Medina County Domestic Relations Court
Family Court Resources
Phone number 234-802-0939
Families of Children United in Support (FOCUS)
Seminar For Divorcing and Separating Parents
In an effort to help parents with changes to the family dynamic and to teach conflict resolution skills, the Court requires that all parties in cases of divorce, dissolution and legal separation attend a parenting seminar for separating parents.
Divorce is a very stressful experience for parents and children. Although you may decide to end your marriage or relationship, you will continue to be mother and father. The Court requires parents to attend a seminar that will focus on what children need from both of you during and after your separation. The class will provide practical information that you can apply to your situation. It will teach skills for helping your children manage the divorce successfully. This will include handling "tough situations and tough questions."
Parents may complete this requirement in one of three ways. The Court provides the Families of Children United in Support (FOCUS) seminar, which is prepaid by the filing deposit.
If you are unable for some reason to complete FOCUS before your dissolution hearing or final hearing date, you may also choose to attend one of two online class pre-approved by the Court. These online options will be at your own cost. At the completion of your online class, you must file your certificate with the Clerk.
English - Children in Between -
Spanish - Niños in Medio -
English - Two Families Now -
Spanish - Two Families Now -
WHO: The Court requires that all parents with minor children who are parties to a divorce, dissolution or legal separation attend this seminar. A Certificate of Attendance will be given to participants who successfully complete the entire session. A copy of the certificate must be filed with the Clerk of Courts to verify attendance.
WHAT: Topics include:
- The experience of divorce for adults.
- How children react to divorce.
- Learning to co-parent with your former spouse after divorce.
- How to avoid placing your child "in the middle" of parental conflict.
- Recognizing when additional help is needed, what community resources are available and more.
WHY: Children need
- Parents who listen.
- Parents who can work together to set limits and enforce rules.
- Parents who are dependable and reliable.
- Parents who are respectful of them, and to the other parent.
- Parents who put their children's needs above their own feelings and desires.
- Parents who support them emotionally, physically, and financially.
WHEN: Parents involved in a divorce or separation must attend within 45 days after completion of service. Parents involved in a dissolution must attend within 45 days of the filing of the Petition for Dissolution and before the final hearing on the Petition for Dissolution.
Time: Two seminars are held each month. They are routinely scheduled for the second Thursday from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. and the fourth Saturday from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. However, some dates are subject to change because of holidays and/or room availability.
Pre-registration: Both parents must pre-register. Parents who have not pre-registered will not be guaranteed admission. Please call the Court at 234-802-0939 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday for seminar dates and locations, and to register.
NOTE: If there is a Civil Protection Order, the parents must attend separately.
NOTE: Please arrive (sign-in) ten minutes early to sign in, receive materials and complete forms, and work out any technical issues, if the class is being held via Zoom.
WHERE: The week of the Seminar the parties will receive an email with instructions for the seminar, along with handouts and slides that will be used during the class.
2024 FOCUS Schedule (Zoom)
Second Thursday of every month 6:00pm-8:00pm
- January 11th
- February 8th
- March 14th
- April 11th
- May 9th
- June 13th
- July 11th
- August 8th
- September 12th
- October 10th
- November 14th
- December 12th
2024 FOCUS Schedule (In Person)
Fourth Tuesday of every month 9:00am - 11:00am
- January 23th
- February 27th
- March 26th
- April 23nd
- May 28th
- June 25th
- July 23nd
- August 27th
- September 24rd
- October 22th
- November 26th
- December 17th *
* Dates fall differently due to the holidays (see * above).
To schedule for FOCUS, please contact the Family Court Resources Department at 234-802-0939
TUESDAY classes are held in person at the Courthouse. THURSDAY classes are held by Zoom. The week before your scheduled class, you will receive an email with the information needed for the class along with directions to the courthouse (for Tuesday classes) or a link to log in (for Thursday classes).